96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es

Weekly market

Every Saturday in Almoradí takes place its WEEKLY MARKET, a meeting point for merchants and buyers from all over the region. It is a market of great solera that is installed in the streets adjacent to the Place of the Constitution, occupying more than a kilometer and giving an impression of Arabic souk, from which they offer the most diverse products: flowers, plants, birds, carpets , Handicrafts, articles of import, clothing, footwear, dinnerware, gift items, vegetables, fruits and vegetables and, in short, food of all kinds, all wrapped in a traditional vintage flavor that makes shopping at the market Of Saturday becomes a pleasant walk.

The attendance of buyers of the whole region is spectacular, counting on a very important influx of foreign population settled in municipalities of our coast and of all the province, enjoying with this unique way of marketing.

A series of activities for all ages in the Plaza, as well as guided tours of the main buildings of Almoradí and traditional roads, are held every Saturday and, in parallel to the celebration of the market, Of the orchard of Almoradí. Because of this playful character and given the huge number of visitors received weekly, Almoradí Market was declared a PROVINCIAL TOURIST INTEREST by the Tourism Ministry in 2011.