96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es

Specialized Social Services

The Specialized Social Services or the attention to specific groups that by circumstances require a more specialized attention.

Almoradi City Council has a set of centers, services and services aimed at meeting the needs of specific groups, people who are particularly vulnerable or at risk of social exclusion.

This service aims to guarantee a minimum quality of life for members of specific groups, promoting measures of positive discrimination and equal access to resources and social policy measures, addressing and preventing their social needs and problems.

PROGRAMS from Specialized Social Services:

1.Program of Attention to Dependence, Elderly and Disability
The services provided from this program are:


Law 39/2006, in force since January 1, 2007, aims to recognize citizens the right to promote personal autonomy and care for people in situations of dependency.

The Council of Europe defines as a dependency “the state of persons who, for reasons connected with lack or loss of physical, mental or intellectual autonomy, have a need for assistance and / or significant assistance in order to carry out the acts Currents of daily life “.


Dependent older people.
Moderate, severe or large dependent.
Children under three years of age with dependency problems.
Persons with mental, intellectual and mentally handicapped dependents.

The team consists of 1 Social Worker and an ADIEM service educator

Among the functions of the Social Worker is the assessment of the situation of dependency and establish the ideal resource for each case as well as the derivation, management and processing of different resources of a specialized nature such as:

Residence and Day Center for Seniors. Breathe Bonuses.
Occupational Center, Disabled Centers (Residential, Day Centers, Protected and Certified Floors and Disability Cards).
Tele assistance.
Run the house.
Management and Handling of Disabilities.


The SAD is a basic provision of the Public System of Social Services of a domestic, personal and / or educational nature, which is provided in the home itself, to single persons or units of coexistence, offering a multipurpose and temporary care. Integrated with the other benefits and social network of the Community, to enable greater autonomy and integration in their environment.

The purpose of the home help service is:

Prevent, maintain, restore and increase the level of physical and psycho-social well-being of the person or core of coexistence.
To favor the permanence of people in their habitat.
Maintain and strengthen the family nuclei and neighborhoods.
Prevent situations of marginalization and isolation.
Promote personal autonomy and / or the core of coexistence.

Addressed to:

Older people living alone or with others who can not attend to them due to illness, work, etc.
People with reduced mobility problems who want to maintain their environment and need support for their development.
Families or nuclei coexistence in conflicting relational situations.
Unstructured families for lack of a key member (hospitalization or temporary internment in an institution).
Persons temporarily unable to perform basic tasks at home.


Conducted by a technician of ADIEM, headquartered in the dependencies of the Social Center of Social Services.

A program to undertake actions that make available to people with mental illness and their families the necessary support to improve their quality of life and personal autonomy.

The ADIEM Technician obtains all the relevant information about the person with mental illness and its environment for its correct incorporation, derivation or channeling to other social or health resources, as well as it facilitates to the person and his family all the information on the operation of the Association and the Services it offers. It also offers support through the following actions:

Information on socio-health, general and specific resources.
Proposals for referral and channeling from the appraisal process such as Sheltered Housing, Day Center, Occupational Workshop, Center for Rehabilitation and Social Integration, (CRIS ADIEM), Workshop Workshops such as: Job Motivation, Social and Personal Skills, Work Skills, Specialized training and practices in activities such as cleaning or concierge … ..and others.
Orientation and support in procedures.
Support to the path of psychosocial rehabilitation.
Support and guidance at times of high levels of family stress.


The Department of Social Services has a total of 5 places of municipal character and 8 of Day Center as a consequence of the assignment of the land by the City of Almoradi for the construction of the Residence of Elderly Casaverde Almoradí.

2. Family Intervention Program

It is addressed to families or nuclei of coexistence that they are going through or are experiencing due to a situation of family breakdown, lack of behavior habits or basic skills.

The Service offers:

The assessment of family and social situations, guaranteeing the care and protection of minors in the face of risk or helplessness. It likewise promotes the welfare and normal functioning of families and individuals at risk or social disadvantage.
Facilitates the use of social resources.
Proposes to the Territorial Directorate of the Ministry of Justice and Social Welfare the adoption of measures on the protection of minors.
It transfers SEAFI to families that are susceptible to a more specialized intervention.
Informs, processes, supports and follows up on Family Acceptions.

The Family Intervention Team is made up of a psychologist and a social worker.

The family intervention can be initiated ex officio through the protocols established by the Minors Section of the Ministry of Justice and Social Welfare or by the referral of the Primary Care Service.


The Specialized Service of Care for the Family and Children (SEAFI) is responsible for the performance in the second level, when greater complexity and / or technical specialization is required. Its general objective is the integral and interdisciplinary attention to families in situation of vulnerability or conflict that require psychosocial guidance, mediation or family therapy for their resolution, prioritizing the action in families with children in situations of helplessness, custody or risk. As a specialized service, SEAFI is only accessed through referral from the municipal general social services (U.T.S.) or from the services of the Territorial Directorate of Social Welfare.


Families that temporarily or permanently host one or more children with whom, without being their children, there is a relationship of kinship. Methodology: Development corresponds to SEAFI. First, it is necessary to assess the family’s ability to accommodate the child and to meet their physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs. Once the family care is formalized the team supports and guides the family in the care of the child, average with the biological parents if they have presence and facilitates the managements with the different administrations. Periodic follow-up reports are made.

3. Children and Health Program.

The Program is aimed at all educational centers in the locality, public and concerted. Almoradí City Council from the responsibility of ensuring proper schooling and continued assistance to the school of our future citizens and thus guarantee the right to education enshrined in the Spanish Constitution, drives from the Department of Social Welfare and Education this Program for the prevention, detection and treatment of school absenteeism of students enrolled in basic, compulsory and free education – Elementary Education and Obligatory Secondary Education – between the ages of 6 and 16. The general objectives of this program are to reduce absenteeism and control absenteeism in order to address the problem of absenteeism and to be able to intervene with specific projects that address the causes of absenteeism. The origin of the same.

In this Program, actions and resources of the Local Administration – Education Councils, Social Welfare and Local Police – and of the Educational Administration – Educational Equipments of the centers, Psychopedagogical Schools Services, Departments of Orientation and Educational Inspection are incardinated.

The provision of resources and / or municipal actions, as support to the interventions carried out in the different areas focused on the reduction of school absenteeism and characterized by the agility in its implementation.

The School Truancy Program includes two professional figures: Psychologist and Local Police.


The Community Prevention Unit of Addictive Behaviors tries to prevent addictions, through preventive programs and advice on resources for children and their families. This unit aims to implement addiction prevention projects, including initiatives in the school and youth field. This service is aimed at minors, elementary students of the CEIPS and High School of the HEIs, teachers and their families.


Judicial measures are directed at those juvenile offenders, as set out in Organic Law 5/2000, of January 12, regulating the criminal responsibility of minors.

These measures are likely to be imposed on:

1. Open medium:

They do not involve the placement of the child in the center, but the minor has the obligation to comply with the measure that the judge has imposed.

The typology of measures:

Outpatient treatment.
Assistance to a day center.
Freedom supervised.
Coexistence with another person, family or educational group.
Benefits for the benefit of the community.
Performing socio-educational tasks.

2. Internment:

Closed-term hospitalization.
Internment in semi-open regime.
Internment in an open regime.
Therapeutic internment.
Weekend stay

The Judicial Measures team is made up of two technicians: 1 Psychologist and 1 tecnico of the development council (educator).

4. Community Action and Immigration Program.
The Community Action seeks to stimulate social relations of cooperation and participation among the members of a certain area of ​​coexistence in the city, to achieve the improvement of the daily well-being of people.

The municipal framework aims to provide coverage and structure actions and practices based on Community and Participatory methodologies, with values ​​that have to do with collaboration and the construction of citizenship.

The Participating Bodies in the area of ​​the Council of Social Services are the following:

– The Municipal Social Centers of Community Action.

– Municipal Council of Social Welfare.

– Citizens’ Associations.

– Volunteerism Platform.

– Center for Citizen Participation.


From the City of Almoradi we believe that it is very important for our society to promote, strengthen and strengthen our associative fabric. Growing the number of partnerships, generating dynamics whereby more people are involved in partnership activities, generating more resources for associations and their partners, or sharing knowledge to improve the quality of activities are good Social welfare.

Almoradi has an important associative framework. All of them will be grouped in the Municipal Council of Social Welfare, instrument of participation and decision in the social field.

The main objective of this program is to promote participation, to expand the culture of associationism, solidarity and indispensable self-help mechanisms as one more way to achieve social welfare.

Committed social participation favors the adjustment of the responses to the real needs of the community, from a conception of solidarity and shared responsibility. In this sense, this program understands the collaboration of the non-profit social initiative with the Public Administrations, as an indispensable factor to achieve an improvement in the quality of life of society as a whole.

5. Care of Women Program
The equality of men and women before the law and the right to non-discrimination on the basis of sex is an unquestionable fact included in the Spanish Constitution in art. 14. However, women continue to be victims of direct or indirect discrimination, simply because they are women in the different areas that make up society.

Almoradi City Council through transversal actions from the Department of Equality, Social Services, Education and Culture, makes it possible for women to access their immediate environment in an egalitarian manner and attending to diversity. These are reflected in the annual programming, offering the population different activities in order to ensure that the participation and involvement of women in today’s society are equal conditions and opportunities for men.


It is an advisory service aimed at women and entities to promote the development of positive actions in order to:

Encourage female associationism.
Advise on the development and implementation of equality plans in companies.
Guidance on employment, self-employment, aids and benefits.
Provide training workshops on co-education, co-responsibility, social skills, among others.
Inform about all kinds of regulations that favor equal opportunities between men and women.


The Mobile Tele-Assistance Service for Victims of Gender Violence is a service modality that, with the right technology, offers victims with protection orders immediate care, ensuring a rapid response 24 hours a day, all Days of the year, regardless of where they are.

The services of social, psychological and legal support to women will be carried out from the General Social Services in the respective services of social, psychological and juridical attention in which aspects such as:

Psychological support and counseling. A space to consult and advise in situations of personal or family difficulty
Information and guidance on existing resources in the city in different areas (social, labor, housing, training …).
Specific legal advice in civil, criminal or labor matters

The team is formed by 1 Social Worker of the INFODONA Service

6. Housing
The Spanish Constitution, in its article 47 regulates the Right of Citizens to every dwelling worthy and appropriate. “All Spaniards Tienen derecho a dwelling worthy and appropriate. Públicos promoting the powers and the conditions necesarias establecia the rules required for cash, hacer este derecho, regulando the utilization of suelo de acuerdo con el general interest to prevent speculation. Community will participate in the planning plusvalías that generates the acción de los understood públicos ”

The Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community, in its Article 16, establishing that the Government “will guarantee the Right of access to a dwelling worthy CITIZENS valencianos and further stipulates alude the Necessary regulación of ayudas Right to promoting this, especially in favor de los jóvenes, older people, DISABLED, Women Victims of Gender violence, and ultimately to colectivos socialmente desfavorecidos for extending the justificadas ayudas. ”

Promotion of the Housing Públicas are products of a soul sin actuación nonprofit, directed to facilitate families to enjoy the misma, y ​​colectivos people of scarce resources económicos in the términos establecidos in Article 54 of the Law 8/2004 of 20 October Housing of the Generalitat de la Comunidad Valenciana.

The County of Almoradi has this:

Group of 50 Social Housing Infrastructure Entity property of the Generalitat Valenciana (E.I.G.V) under a arrendamiento
Housing acogidas a Plan of Eradication of Housing precarious

From CONCEJAL of Social Services to be removed cabo seguimiento de los grupos different anteriormente of homes detallados the Objet favorecer coexistence and prevent them from desahucios adjudicatarios Group Social Housing

It provides services to the populations in general:

Housing Legal Service. Support for legal and transact avoid that produzcan Situaciones desahucio of the dwelling.
Transact and Management of social Ayudas for the rent of homes through the Government and / or the Ayuntamiento de Almoradi
Agreement with the banking Entities for which the neighbors puedan access social rental