General Social Services
It is the responsibility of the General Social Services to program, implement and manage the generalized primary care intervention from the Social Work Units (UTS).
It is the gateway to the demands or social needs of any city in the municipality.
The purpose of the UTS is:
Encourage equal access to resources and social policy measures.
Prevent and attend to social needs and problems.
To guarantee a minimum quality of life to the population of Almoradi.
Inform and guide the citizen about social benefits to which he could have access.
To study, evaluate and intervene, where appropriate with the social problems of family, individual and community.
The Social Center is the place where all the Social Services team is located.
The headquarters of the Social Center for Social Services is located at Calle España nº 45-47 de Almoradi.
Social Services Center
PROGRAMS from General Social Services:
1. SIOA (Information, Orientation and Attention Service)
You can access the Municipal SIOA for a first attention without appointment and regardless of your area of registration.
The direct procedures that are carried out in the SIOA are the IMSERSO and / or Generalitat Social Holidays, Social Thermalism, Numerous Family Books, Mayor Cards, Fees for the last resort of the electrical system and Food Bank.
It is located in the premises of the Social Center of Social Services and the opening hours are Monday to Friday from 9 to 14 hours. Telephone: 965 702382 or 965700101
2. Primary Care Service
The Primary Social Care Base has the competence to cover the most basic needs of those citizens who do not have sufficient resources to address them on their own, as well as the prevention, detection and analysis of situations of risk and social need.
This service, at a social level, has the following main functions:
Meet the demand of the citizen in a personalized way
Detection and assessment of social needs
Management and processing of resources and social aids
General support for crisis situations
Derivation of other resources more suited to the demand
They address the entire population at individual, family and social level.
Benefits and Social Aids that they carry out:
A) Individualized Economic Benefits (PEI)
Emergency Aid is financial aid of an extraordinary nature and intended to alleviate situations in which people affected by a state of need may be. They cover the following expenses:
Essential expenses for the use of the habitual house
Exceptional expenses in which there are circumstances of serious or urgent social need and that are considered of interest for the attention of people with important problems.
Expenses intended to cover basic family needs.
1.- The beneficiary does not have sufficient income to meet the expenses arising from the emergency situation.
2.- That the per capita income of the family unit does not exceed that established in the Order that each year regulates and summons the aid in the matter of SSSS.
3. That it has a technical report stating the necessity of the aid and stating that all existing resources aimed at solving the need have been exhausted, either by the municipal technical services or by the Territorial Directorates of Social Welfare.
4.- Must be registered in the municipality with an antiquity of 2 years.
You can download the form from here
B) Guaranteed Citizenship Income
It is defined as the right to an economic benefit managed by the public network of social services, universal, linked to the commitment of the recipients to actively promote their socio-labor insertion and whose purpose is to provide economic support to facilitate the insertion Of people who lack sufficient resources to maintain adequate personal and family welfare, in accordance with the principles of equality, solidarity, subsidiarity and complementarity.
Who can apply?
All members of the family unit or coexistence, including the owners, in which the following circumstances necessarily meet:
1. Have Spanish nationality or any Member State of the European Union.
2. Have been registered in any of the municipalities of the Region of Valencia, for at least 24 consecutive months and immediately prior to the request.
3. Living in an independent or assimilated home.
4. Not having, despite seeking to obtain them, the economic means necessary to maintain an adequate quality of life
5. To accredit that the pensions and benefits to which they are entitled have been previously requested from the corresponding organizations.
6. To subscribe the plan of insertion that is established and to collaborate in the establishment of the same one.
C) Day care bonus
Almoradí City Council, from the Department of Social Welfare, in order to collaborate in giving effect to the principle of equality in the exercise of the right to education, provided for in Article 27 of the Spanish Constitution, and to facilitate access to Pre – primary education (0 to 3 years old) of all children, especially those in unfavorable socio – economic conditions, proposes an aid system called BONO – GUARDERÍA. This should also serve as an instrument to help overcome the difficulties that exist in many families for the incorporation of women into the world of work.
For this reason, it makes the present call for scholarships for children especially from 0 to 3 years, corresponding to the year 2016.
The purpose of this call is the granting of a grant to assist in the payment of expenses arising from the enrollment and care of children, preferably from 0 to 3 years of age, in Early Childhood Schools or Kindergartens, located in the Municipality of Almoradí.
The applicant must meet, among others, the following requirements:
1º.- To be registered in the municipality of Almoradí, the last two years immediately preceding the submission of the application or, if applicable, until the end of the deadline for submitting applications (except in case of special need, technique):
2º.- The child must have been enrolled during at least part of the previous year, or at the time of the request, in one of the Nursery Schools or Nursery schools, located in the Municipality of Almoradí.
3º.- The applications must present valid proof of the payment of the corresponding monthly payments or in the case that the minor is pending to be incorporated must submit two budgets of the Children’s School or Nursery for which it requests the aid, and if applicable, the amount In case of enrollment, in case the child is already going to the center.
4º.- The applicant must be aware of compliance with municipal tax obligations (except in case of special need, prior technical assessment).
5º.- Document proving that the mother and / or the father, if any, or legal guardian / are working: payroll, income proofs, payment of self-employed, agrarian regime or any other regimes, ….
6º.- The income of the family unit can not exceed three times the minimum annual interprofessional salary (year 2016 = € 655.20 / MES = 27518.40 € / YEAR): deducting monthly fixed expenses such as home loan, rent, … And € 50 / month per dependent child.
7º.- The applicant can not be beneficiary of another subsidy or aid, public or private for the same concept as this call. In the event of this circumstance, the beneficiary will have to reimburse the amounts unduly received, the provisions of Articles 81 and 82 of the General Budget Law (as drafted by Law 31/1990 of December).
The next documents will be added to the request:
– Application duly completed and signed
– Photocopy of the DNI / NIE or Passport of the applicant.
– Photocopy of the Family Book.
– Certificate / Employee Handbook, which reflects the date of seniority (minimum two years of age in the enumeration, except in a situation of special socio-family need, prior technical assessment) and Certificate / Cohabitation Handout.
– Photocopy of the declaration of the Rent or, in its absence, Negative Certificate of Finance (affidavit of income of the family unit).
– Budgets of the Infantile or Nursery School for which the BONUS will be requested.
– Document (s) proving the economic / labor situation of the mother / father or legal guardian: payroll, photocopies of work contract, working life, company certificates, certificate of benefits and / or pensions, photocopy of the quota Payment of the agrarian regime or other schemes, or any other that proves that situation.
– Receipt of the mortgage loan and / or rental receipt of the habitual residence.
– All the documentation required by the technician who processes the aid, and who is necessary for an adequate valuation of the same.
Amount of grant and procedure for granting:
The amount of the subsidy will be a maximum of 100 € MES.
The monthly percentage of the subsidy to be applied by the entity will be established according to the scale of said regulation, the remaining non-subsidized% will correspond to the applicant / beneficiary of the aid.
The deadline for submission of applications: from the day following the publication of the Banding on the notice board of the City until December 31, 2016.
D) Social Catering and Estival
The information will be updated shortly.
E) Food Bank
Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 on the European Fund for the most deprived persons lays down the resources available for that Fund for the period 2014-2020, Annual breakdown and allocation by Member State.
Families in situations of social exclusion in the municipality of Almoradí can avail themselves of this program by going to the offices of the Social Center where their application will be assessed and the periodicity of such assistance.
2.2 Psychological care
Support and treatment for people who are going through situations of emotional and / or psychological crisis.
It can be accessed by arranging a previous appointment through the telephone of prior appointment 965702382 and / or by calling the telephone number of the Town Hall (965700101).
3. Legal Service
The attention to the public is in the dependencies of Social Services on Tuesdays by appointment arranged through the SIOA.
The team consists of two lawyers.