Citizen Services
Educational services
- C. P. Canales y Martínez
- C. P. Manuel de Torres
- C. P. Pascual Andreu
- C.C. Santa Mª de la Huerta
- CP. Heredades
2. Secondary Education
- I.E.S. Azud de Alfeitamí
- I.E.S. Antonio Sequeros
- C.C. Santa Mª de la Huerta
3. Vocational training
- I.E.S Azud de Alfeitamí
- Professional Conservatory of Almoradí (elementary and professional education)
6. Official school of Languages
- Inglés
- Alemán
- Francés
7. Summer Courses Universidad Miguel Hernández
8. Summer School
- Children’s school
- Music School
- Sports School
9. School of Plastic Arts
10. Guitar School
11. Vega Baja Psychopedagogical Office
Sport Services
- Atletismo
- Futbol
- Ciclismo
- Gimnasia Rítmica
- Balonmano
- Voleibol
- Triatlón
- Psicomotricidad
- Multideporte
- Baloncesto
- Judo
- Pádel
- Tenis
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Adult Maintenance
- Senior Maintenance
- Padel
- Tenis
2.2 Summer schools
2.3 Swimming Courses
Culture Services
3. Youth Information Centers (C.I.J.)
- Social center
- El Saladar
4. Cultural Event Buildings and Meetings
- Teatro Cortes
- Auditorio Musical EMA
- Centro cultural Plaza San Andrés
- Aula Polivalente Calle España
Social, Welfare and Health Services
- Attention to the Immigrant ( AGENCIA AMIC’s)
- Infodona
- Care for Drug Dependents
- Care of the sick of the mentally ill ADIEM
- Dependency Service
- Occupational Center and Day Center for the Disabled ADA
- Early Childhood Center (CAT)
- Senior Residence and Day Care Center Casaverde
- Almoradí Health Center
- Cruz Roja Española (Servicios de Ambulancias)
- Basic Life Support Ambulance Services (Social center Puente don Pedro)
- Office of Consumer Affairs
Business, Employment and Tourist Services
- Management of Employment Programs
- The Merchant Portal
- Advice to Entrepreneurs
- Management of Subsidies to Companies
- Business Initiatives Agency
- Polígono Industrial Eralta
- Polígono Industrial Los Maromas
Administrative services
- Municipal Register Management
- Management of Municipal Taxes
- Document submission service for all administrations: Single Window
- Electronic Certificate Issuance
- Issuance of Reports on Social Integration and Family Regrouping
- Licensing of Public Soil Occupation
- Environmental Licenses for the Opening of Establishments and Services
- Change of Ownership of Openings
- Licensing of Minor and Major Works
- Civil Ceremony Service
- Magistrate’s court
- E-government
Public Safety Services
Transportation Services
- Heavy Vehicle Parking “Las Maromas”
- Terminal Bus y Taxis
Citizen Advocate
It is an institution created by the City of Almoradí with the mission of ensuring the rights of neighbors to the actions of the Municipal Administration and the entities dependent on it.
The Ombudsman provides advice, information and attention, helping to improve relations between the citizen and the City Council in the most appropriate manner, with total independence and objectivity.
- Delays in the performance of the Municipal Administration.
- Errors or arbitrariness in the application of standards.
- Failure to respond to requests.
- Inejection of the municipal resolutions.
- Incorrect treatment of the citizen.
- Unjustified refusal to provide information and any action by the Municipal Administration that, within its jurisdiction, may have resulted in a violation of the rights of individuals.
All complaints must be submitted in writing with your personal data, signed, with the name of the Organism or Municipal Service object of the complaint, as well as the description and circumstances that gave rise to the complaint and accompanied by as many documents as necessary to clarify the case .
They may not submit complaints after six months have elapsed since the person concerned was aware of the conduct or facts that could motivate a complaint.
You can download the instance in the following link.