96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es

What are Social Services?

The Municipal Social Services are a set of benefits and actions aimed at improving the quality of life, facilitate access to services and social resources and the promotion and development of people.

We all have the same rights and the same duties. Unfortunately, people do not always have access to the same opportunities, and it is the duty of the Administration to ensure that everyone has minimum conditions for their personal lives.

The Municipality of Almoradí, through the Social Welfare Area, fulfills the tasks entrusted to it by the current legislation on Social Services, (Law 5/1997, June 25), since we can not live by sword to the problems that affect A large part of its neighbors and neighbors. Therefore, in order to fulfill this task, the City Council puts at the disposal of the citizens of Almoradí and pedanías nearby and decentralized services formed by professionals that enable the appropriate interventions in each case.

Law 5/1997, of June 5, aims to prevent and eliminate the causes of social marginalization and inequality, and its purpose is to regulate and structure the Public Social Services System in the area of ​​the Valencian Community, guaranteeing all Citizens and groups in which they are integrated:

The prevention, treatment and elimination of any cause or situation of marginalization or social inequality.
The coordination of public and private resources and initiatives, as well as the social aspects of health and education systems.
The full development of the person in the heart of society and the promotion of solidarity and citizen participation in the field of Social Services.

The Social Care Area of ​​the Hon. Almoradí City Council, integrates in its field of action the subjects of Social Affairs two levels of intervention:

A) General or Community Social Services.

The General Social Services constitute the basic structure of the Public Social Services System, through the provision of integrated and multipurpose care directed to the entire population, articulated through preventive, care and rehabilitation actions, at a primary level, with a universal and free character .

The General Social Services are responsible for the programming, implementation and management of the generalized primary care intervention.

The General Services are provided by interdisciplinary teams that cover the different Areas of Social Services in Social Centers dependent on the Local Administration.

B) Specialized Social Services.

Specialized Social Services are those targeted at sectors of the population that, because of their conditions, age, sex, disability, country of origin or other social, cultural or economic circumstances, require a more specific type of care in the area Technical and professional than that provided by the General Social Services