96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es
Ingredients (For 4 people):

  • 4 artichokes
  • 1 bunch of tender garlic
  • 12 peeled beans
  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 natural tomatoes
  • Oil Salt
  • 400gr of rice
  • Parsley and saffron

Peel all vegetables. Chop the artichokes, garlic and potatoes.

In a paella, heat the olive oil, add all the vegetables and sauté until tender.

Add the grated tomatoes and sauté a little.

We pour the desired amount of rice and we move until all the ingredients are united.

Add water, saffron and chopped parsley.

Cook for 20 minutes.