96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es

Foreign Residents

Municipal Register


The Municipal register helps to determine the population of a municipality, grants the status of neighbor, accredits the residence and the habitual residence, serves for the configuration of the electoral census and official statistics and is an element of control of the administrative situation of the foreigners.

Conditions for registration:

Every person who lives in Spain is obliged to register in the Register of the municipality where he / she lives habitually. Those who live in several municipalities must register only in those who live for the longest period of the year.

Minors who are not emancipated and the elderly with disabilities will have the same neighborhood as the parents who have custody or, failing that, their legal representatives, unless they have written authorization to reside in another municipality.

People who, residing in a municipality, do not have a domicile in it, can only be registered by placing their situation in the knowledge of the competent Social Services.

Requirements and documentation required:

The registration in the Municipal Register will contain as mandatory only the following data of each neighbor:

Name and surname
Habitual residence.
Place and date of birth.
National Identity Document Number. In the case of European Residents the number of the Resident Card must be presented. The identification number of a foreigner in a document in force issued by the Spanish authorities, or, failing that, the valid passport number issued by the authorities of the country of origin, in the case of non-European foreigners.
Certificate or academic or academic title you possess.
How many other data may be needed for the preparation of the electoral roll.
On a voluntary basis, it will be possible to collect data on the designation of the persons who can represent each neighbor before the Municipal Administration for employer purposes and the telephone number.

All the neighbors must communicate to their Town Hall the changes of their personal circumstances to the extent that they imply a modification of the data of the Municipal Register with obligatory character.

The City Council will provide all those who live in its municipal area employer’s sheets or forms to notify you the registration information. Each neighbor, or his legal representative, must complete with his personal data and sign the employer’s sheet or form.

The City Council may verify the veracity of the information provided by the neighbors, requiring the presentation of the National Identity Card or Residence Card, the family book, the title that legitimates the occupation of the house or other similar documents.

The formation, maintenance, revision and custody of the Municipal Register corresponds to the City council. These will perform the necessary actions to keep their standards up to date, so that the data are consistent with reality.

The management of the Municipal Register is carried out by the City Councils through its computerized means. The Diputación Provincial de Alicante assumes the computerized management of the Padrones of the municipalities that, due to their insufficient economic and management capacity, can not maintain the data in an automated way.

The registration in the Municipal Register is very useful for the planning of public services of a population. The programming and organization of public transport, educational services, health, social, … depend on the real population enrolled in the Register.

The acquisition of the neighbor condition occurs from the moment of its registration in the Register. You can only be a neighbor of a municipality. The condition of neighbor confers the following rights and duties:

To be elector and eligible under the terms established in the electoral legislation.
Participate in municipal management in accordance with the provisions of the laws.
Use, according to their nature, municipal public services. As for example the right of inscription in the municipal school, institute, library, courses, …
Contribute by means of the legally provided economic and personal benefits to the accomplishment of municipal competences.
Be informed and address requests to the Municipal Administration in relation to the files and the municipal documentation. Access to municipal administrative files and registers, except in those that affect the defense of the State and the privacy of people.
Request a popular consultation in the terms provided for in the Law. Local councils may hold popular consultations on matters of a municipal nature.
Require the provision, and if necessary, the establishment of the corresponding public service, in the event of constituting a municipal jurisdiction of a mandatory nature. The legitimation of public services is expressly granted only to neighbors.
Those other rights and duties established in the laws.