96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es

Route of the Hermitages

Going through the history of Easter Almoradí, we find the first Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods from the eighteenth century, when they began to be structured in associations and especially around some families to worship an image. After the Civil War the Brotherhoods...

Christ of the Bells

In his honor several events are celebrated during the last weekend of September, among them a solemn mass, after which Most Holy Christ of the Bells goes in procession, as well as several concerts of the Musical Union or the Conservatory of Music of Almoradí....

Cortés Theatre

The Cortés Theatre, located on Calle Comunidad Valenciana, 11 and with a capacity of 480 seats, is the oldest cultural reference of Almoradí. It is a completely active Theater (like theater and cinema) in its seasons that cover of October to June. The theater is...

Azud de Alfeitamí

The Azud de Alfeitamí is one of the most important irrigation engineering works in the final part of the Segura and its first configurations date from the end of the 16th century. At present it waters 20,987 tahúllas, almost 2,500 hectares, of the municipal terms of...

Chapel at Spain Street

It is a beautiful neogothic style building, attached to the Hospital, bought and restored by the Town Hall in 1998. It has a rectangular key and polygonal apse of five sides. On the side walls are false buttresses that frame the windows of Gothic arches and the main...