96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es

Bar Restaurant “Angelín S.L”

Address: Calle Camino de Catral, 33, 03160 Telephone: 965700878 More information: Location on map Bar Restaurante “Angelín S.L” Calle Camino de Catral, 33, 03160 ← “El Cruce” Restaurant “El Buey” Restaurant...

“El Cruce” Restaurant

Address:  C/ Camino Catral, 156 Telephone: 966780559 y 965700356 More information: Location on map “El Cruce” Restaurant C/ Camino Catral, 156 ← “Silvino” Restaurant Bar Restaurant "Angelín S.L"...

“Silvino” Restaurant

Address: Av. Príncipe España, 8 Telephone: 966780523 More information: Location on map "Silvino" Restaurant Av. Príncipe España, 8, “El Cruce” Restaurant...

Segura River

The Segura River, known as the Thader (Palm) by the Romans and War-Alabiat (White River) by the Arabs, has almost 18,815 square kilometers of basin in total and 325 kilometers in length. El Segura is born in Pontones, province of Jaén, and in its route crosses...

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help is an ancient oriental icon of unknown origin. In 1919 the Marquises of Rioflorido donated to the church a painting of the Virgin of Perpetual Help. In this same year the Archief of Perpetual Help was founded, the illusion and dedication...