96 570 01 01 - Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 03160 Almoradi ayuntamiento@almoradi.es


Along the Segura River we find several groves created after the channeling works, which form part of the Green Corridor (the whole basin) made for the environmental recovery of the channel. Each of these small natural spaces is dedicated to a plant species.

On the green route we find the soto dedicated to the Mimosa (Acacia cyanophylla) next to a new large soto (63.000 m2), with a large space for recreation, picnic area, children’s games, etc.

The Segura river sotos have been restored in the last years revegeando them with endemic trees and others own of the culture of Almoradí like leaders (Celtis australis), tarays (Tamarix gallica), poplars (Populus sp.), Carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua), Olive trees (Olea europea), date palms (Phoenix dactylifera), canary palms (Phoenix canariensis), etc. Together with shrub species such as Baladre (Nerium oleander), Piteras (Agave americana), odor broom (Spartium junceum), etc.